Volunteers do not necessarily have the time;
they just have the heart.

"We volunteer because We Are Crew, not just to hit our volunteer-hours requirement." Volunteering is "Crew in Action", and as volunteers, we strive to adhere to Renaissance's Core Values: Courage, Perseverance, Integrity, Service, Stewardship and Passion. When we immerse ourselves in the REMS world, we become more connected to REMS' methods and goals. This is the true value and purpose of Crew and we see the value of working together!
At Renaissance, we ask all families to volunteer a minimum of 40 hours each school year.
For each person who wishes to volunteer at REMS, we ask that you complete a Volunteer Best-Practices Training. This includes parents of REMS, as well as any other individual from outside the school. You can do this mandatory training virtually at your own pace and is in accordance with our volunteer agreement.
In addition, volunteers who are not parents must complete the Community Volunteer Application.
Everyone who enters the building must have their Driver's License scanned into Raptor System at the Front Desk.

To facilitate ease of finding volunteer opportunities, and to track volunteer hours, we have an online Volunteer Online Portal, Track-It-Forward. Every year, as we begin each new school year, we ask every family to register and create an account here.
Through our online portal, you can easily sort through volunteer opportunities by event or individual classrooms. You can volunteer for more than just your student; there are often other crews that could use an extra hand or two (ex. belaying during climbing season). Volunteers who are unable to contribute during school hours can often take projects home to complete or can help with special events. We strive to offer opportunities for every kind of family's schedule; if you need assistance in this, please reach out to our Parent Crew Volunteer Coordinator.
We also use our online portal to track volunteer hours, so that we can acknowledge your efforts and also quantify the support given to our school. Please make a separate entry for each volunteer activity.
Did you know?
Renaissance families logged close to 10,000 VOLUNTEER HOURS
last school year, providing invaluable support to our students, staff and school.